rating conditions

rating conditions
рабочие условия

- определенные рабочие условия, при которых имеет место определенный уровень производительности и которые предназначены для его поддержания.

English-Russian dictionary of terms for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling air. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "rating conditions" в других словарях:

  • Conditions (album) — Conditions Studio album by The Temper Trap Released 19 June 2009 ( …   Wikipedia

  • Conditions comorbid to autism spectrum disorders — There are many conditions comorbid to autism spectrum disorders, such as fragile X syndrome and epilepsy. In medicine and in psychiatry, comorbidity describes the effect of other diseases an individual patient might have other than the primary… …   Wikipedia

  • rating — i. An authorization entered on a license and forming a part, thereof, stating special conditions, privileges, and limitations pertaining to the license. ii. An endorsement to the pilot’s license that defines additional qualifications, privileges …   Aviation dictionary

  • rating — I. /ˈreɪtɪŋ / (say rayting) noun 1. classification according to grade or rank. 2. Nautical a. an assigned position in a particular class or grade, or relative standing, as of a ship or a sailor. b. Navy a sailor who has no commissioned rank. 3. a …  

  • rating — rating1 /ray ting/, n. 1. classification according to grade or rank. 2. assigned position in a particular class or grade, or relative standing, as of a ship or a member of the armed forces. 3. the credit standing of a person or firm. 4. Radio,… …   Universalium

  • rating — rat•ing [[t]ˈreɪ tɪŋ[/t]] n. 1) classification according to grade or rank, as in the armed forces 2) the estimated credit standing of a person or firm 3) sbz a percentage indicating the number of listeners to or viewers of a radio or television… …   From formal English to slang

  • Instrument Rating in the United States — An Instrument Rating is required for a pilot to fly under instrument flight rules (IFR).In the U.S., the rating is issued by the FAA.Instrument rating standardsTo be eligible to pursue an Instrument Rating, the applicant must: *Hold at least a… …   Wikipedia

  • Bond credit rating — In investment, the bond credit rating assesses the credit worthiness of a corporation s or government debt issues. It is analogous to credit ratings for individuals. Contents 1 Table 2 Credit rating agencies 3 Credit rating tiers …   Wikipedia

  • Dominion Bond Rating Service — DBRS is a credit rating agency headquartered in Toronto, Ontario. Founded in 1976 by its current owner and president, Walter Schroeder, it is the largest rating agency in Canada. It is one of ten Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating… …   Wikipedia

  • National Fire Danger Rating System — Contents 1 The National Fire Danger Rating System 1.1 Background[1] 1.2 Basic assumption[3] 1.3 Types of Fires[4] …   Wikipedia

  • Instrument rating — refers to the qualifications that a pilot must have in order to fly under IFR (Instrument Flight Rules). It requires additional training and instruction beyond what is required for a Private Pilot certificate or Commercial Pilot certificate,… …   Wikipedia

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